Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Notes on the Acts in Acts

Bro Mike has been taking us into Acts these past weeks. I know I have read the book numerous times before, but this study is opening my eyes to see much more

This series (he is calling it a short series, a 'mini-series') he began on November 21.

The first decision to be made by the disciples after the ascension of Jesus was the choosing of Matthias to replace Judas in the group of "Twelve." (Acts 1) This would be the first decision of the church.

In doing so, they

1. Acknowledged God's Word as the ultimate authority for all decisions. Peter quoted from
Psalm 69, "it is written." We believe in the existence of "absolute truth." Most of our culture does not. Sometime ago the idea of relative truth began to emerge in our culture. Now it is not that truth is "relative," but that there is no truth at all.

2. Acknowledged God's standard for apostolic leadership

3. Determined a procedure for discovering God's Will

Bro Mike also emphasized the importance of "waiting" -- as Christ commanded -- for the "gift My Father promised and which you have heard Me speak about." They waited and were empowered by that gift of the Holy Spirit.

How about us?
1. What place does God's Word have in our lives?
2. Are we continuing steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine?
3. Have we personally determined a procedure for discovering God's Will?
Faith? Prayer? How do we make decisions in our own lives?

The next week (November 28) he started out by talking about dates and why they are important. We all know what happened July 4, 1776, December 7 (which is today, by the way), 1941 and September 11, 2001.

But do we know what happened October 16, 1846? (anesthesia was 'invented' -- by the way, the word was coined by Oliver Wendell Holmes -- I didn't know that -- I just found out when I looked up how to spell anesthesia). What about April 22, 1955? (Salk vaccine)

What about Pentecost? An important date for Jews all over the world and now an important date for all of us Gentiles.

Jerusalem would have been crowded as Jews from all over the Empire came to celebrate this feast. It was 50 days after Passover.

This particular Pentecost was observed by the 120 followers of Jesus in an unknown, unimportant upper room. There, at that time and in that obscure place, God brought His Spirit and changed the lives of all those present who were witnesses to His wonderful gift.

What happened?
1. God honored His Word to Abraham (Genesis 12)
2. God honored His Word to His disciples (John 14:12ff)
3. God honored the favorable atmosphere -- all together in one place -- how can we form a favorable atmosphere that God can honor is a special way?

This is great series --right where the "rubber hits the road"...

More later...stay tuned...tune in again next week....(film at 11?)

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