Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Peter in Acts - Sermon Notes

Sunday, January 9, was celebration of the Lord's Supper.

Bro Mike began with Peter's message in Acts (beginning in Acts 2:14).

In Acts 2:13 some of those observing the Pentecost experience of the disciples of Christ, who, in the power of the Holy Spirit, began talking to the crowds in their own native languages, were amazed at the miracle! It certainly caught the attention of many, but some scoffed and said they were full of new wine! They couldn't even recognize the miracle for what it was!

"But Peter" -- Acts 2:14.
But Peter, standing up with the eleven, raised his voice and said to them, 'Men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and heed my words...'

This great sermon of Peter's was the first to be preached in the church!

Bro Mike noted that if those present had been with Christ in His final days and had witnessed the actions of Peter, they would not have voted to ask him to give the first sermon!

But what a changed man he was!

Before he was always full of himself, brash and over-confident, bragging. He was still big, loud and aggressive, but his heart had been changed.

We turned back to Luke 22 and reviewed the events following Christ's arrest and Peter's repeated denials. The text says "And Peter followed at a distance," denied he knew Jesus the three times Christ predicted, and then went out and "wept bitterly."

(Note: I can feel those tears myself when I read this passage. I'm sure I would have fled from the scene. I wouldn't even have "followed at a distance." Peter's grief and pain at his own cowardly statements could have easily been my own, and often are, I'm afraid).

When Peter felt Christ's gaze on him, he realized his own guilt and his own betrayal of his beloved Master and Friend.

Then the Good News of John 21 when the resurrected Savior comes to him and reinstates him, with love and forgiveness. Simon, son of John, do you truly love me?

Peter answers: Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.

This is such an encouragement to all of us. As we gather at the Lord's Supper Table (and Peter and the disciples were having their own meal with Christ - breakfast on the beach)-- to know that our failures and disobedience have been forgiven and that we are welcome to sit with Him and celebrate His gifts to us!

Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow.

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