Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Back to Acts - Sermon Notes

The priests and the captain of the temple guard and the Sadducees came up to Peter and John while they were speaking to the people. They were greatly disturbed because the apostles were teaching the people and proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection of the dead. They seized Peter and John and because it was evening they put them in jail until the next day. But many who heard the message believed, and the number of men grew to about five thousand. Acts 4:1-4

Sermon Notes from April 3, 2011


Bro Mike reminded us that our example, the prototype for our church, is this early church as described in the Book of Acts. We do not seek denominational or community approval, but to accurately replicate the early church.


This is the church we should follow.

Setting of that church - unfriendly environment - our own environment is also unfriendly, and seems to be getting more unfriendly - will we reach the same degree of cultural hostility as did the Roman and Jewish culture?

[Note: In some of the early American colonies, like Virginia, it was a crime to preach the gospel if you did not have a 'license' from the government. It is recorded by witnesses that ministers who preached without that license were often beaten severely, publicly, and often were beaten to death. Patrick Henry witnessed one such beating, and began a campaign against that law. John Bunyon, 100 years earlier, in England, was often imprisoned over that little problem of a 'license.' Of course, to be granted a license meant you agreed to preach what the government decreed permissible, or in line with, the beliefs of the established state church.]

In the text of Acts 4:1-4 we can see that three groups were opposed to the message delivered by Peter and John: (1) the priests, (2) captain of the temple guard, and (3) the Sadducees.

The text says they were "greatly disturbed." And they were all religious groups.

There is a sharp contrast here. Three groups were "greatly disturbed" and yet (v. 4) many who heard the message believed...five thousand...

1. All religious organization is potentially lethal to its original purpose
2. All positions of ministry are potentially lethal to spiritual vitality
3. No human authority can stop the ministry of the Holy Spirit


1. All religious organization is potentially lethal to its original purpose.

Look back at chapter 3:24 to Peter's sermon: "Indeed all the prophets, from Samuel on, as many as have spoken, have foretold these days. And you are heirs of the prophets and of the covenant God made with your families. He said to Abraham, 'Through your offspring all the peoples on the earth will be blessed.' When God raised up his servant he sent him first to you to bless you by turning each of you from your wicked ways."

Peter and John and Matthew and the other disciples put it all together -- because they had 'ears to hear'. But the main stream religious leaders did not.
The original purpose of the Jewish leadership was to know and proclaim the next work God had to show His people. The next thing on God's agenda was the Messiah, and they missed it. They did not have 'ears to hear.'

They were to be the watchmen on the walls. But they were not watching God, nor for God's activity.

Every church, the minute it starts growing, begins to feel a gravity drag that begins to pull it back.

2. All positions of ministry are potentially lethal to spiritual vitality.

Bro Mike illustrated this point by mentioning that at seminary one of the things continually stressed to ministerial students was that they must always keep their own personal contact with God for their source of vitality and strength. They must never substitute sermon-preparation for personal devotional time.

This goes for teachers, deacons, musicians, and all the ministries in the church. Sometimes the mere number of our "church activities" can hinder our devotional life and our close personal walk with God. If Satan can keep us really busy, even with church activities, he can keep us from prayer and seeking God's guidance from scripture.

3. No human activity can stop the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

The early church was a persecuted church. The early church calls us to check our devotional lives. How strong are we?

Is the Holy Spirit empowering, directing and energizing me?

Peter and John went to jail, but 5,000 believed.

Is the American church spiritual enough to deal with an unfriendly environment?
Is our church spiritual enough to deal with an unfriendly environment?
Am I?

Am I spiritual enough to know when to speak out and where and what to say?
Am I being led by the Holy Spirit in these matters?

Our setting, too, is an unfriendly environment.

Where are we in our devotional walk? Are we being led by the Holy Spirit?

This sermon compels me to make some changes in my priorities.

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