Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bro Mike's tribute to Art Martinez

Art Martinez - A Fisher of Men

Art Martinez was an evangelist.

That is a Bible term which has a double meaning--a thing one does, such as telling the Gospel to others, and a calling from God.

In evangelical churches this calling is considered a "spiritual gift." It is believed that everyone should tell others about Christ whenever the opportunity arises. However, the spiritual gift of evangelist is a special empowerment from God which defines one's life; it is in everything they do and everywhere they go.  If you could see their calendar, you would see plans they have made to be places, so they can see people, so they can share the Gospel.

And, while most people refer to interruptions, evangelists never, never have interruptions. While they may encounter an unexpected occurrence, it is always the Holy Spirit placing someone who needs to hear the Gospel in their path. 

And, they love it.

Billy Graham is an evangelist everyone knows, and his ministry platform has been stadiums, arenas, and other mammoth gatherings of people.

Art was an evangelist whose ministry was recognized by whoever encountered him and received his encouragement to "call upon the Name of the Lord to be saved" (Romans 10:13).

 His ministry arena was wherever he went and whoever he met--no mammoth arena gatherings anticipating his sermon, just ordinary people who ran into a man who  was passionate about their spiritual condition even when he did not know them.

With over 35 years of his telling people the Gospel, there is no doubt many believed and some of them preceeded him to Heaven and are thanking him now for interrupting their schedule one day with the Gospel message of Jesus Christ.

This tribute for Art Martinez, who died June 10, 2011, was written by our pastor, Bro Mike Zimmerman.

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