Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Back to Acts - Sermon Notes

Just some general, random notes from Bro Mike's sermon on September 18. Hear the complete message at our church website:

Main Text:

       All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions
       was his own, but they shared everything they had.  Acts 4:32

A pastor today is responsible for leading a particular church to be faithful to what got started in Jerusalem on that Pentecost.

People deserve, by God's grace, to be able to walk into a church that is faithful to the blue-print
laid out for us in Acts.

If someone says a certain church is of "one heart and soul" - what do they mean? Is the sanctuary full? Is the music loud and joyful? Are people friendly?

Luke means their "stuff." They said, about their possessions, "You can have it!"

It would be a good practice for us to begin noticing what we say about everything -- our calendar -- our things -- our money --

Apparently these early Christians said "If it is mine, it is yours" and they meant it.

So what do Spirit-filled believers do?

1. They act on their beliefs.
2. They gather around other believers
3. They are generous with what they have.

Generosity- tipping at restaurants, blessing people, making room for people in your schedule, etc.
It's a generosity of spirit that involves the sharing of everything  - time, energy, resources...

What did they (do we) have in common?

1. They were (we are) all  condemned and in need of  a Savior. We must understand that we are lost.
2. They knew (we know) that Jesus is Lord and our lives should be ordered around Him and His

"Believing" is demonstrated by measurable commitment -- we must act on what we believe. What we truly believe is more than just an opinion.

Example: Corrie Ten Boon and her family. Living in the Netherlands during the 1940's and seeing
what Hitler was doing to the Jews. They demonstrated their Christian beliefs by building a hiding place
in the home and saving the lives of some Jews. They paid dearly for living out their faith. Their belief in Christ's message was not just an opinion.

We talk about giving "a portion" back to God -- the early Christians gave everything back to God.

We need to look at ourselves, not at others down the street to see what they are doing.

Am I a Spirit-filled believer?

God's grace - sure, we often come up short. He says, "I am  not here to knock you down. I am here to
help you."

His river of life flowing through us has no end.

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