Monday, November 7, 2011

Asking for it again! - Sermon Notes for 11/06/11

You showed favor to your land, O LORD;
You restored the fortunes of Jacob.
You forgave the iniquity of your people
and covered all their sins. Selah.
You set aside all of your wrath and
turned from your fierce anger.

Restore us again, O God of our Savior,
And put away your displeasure toward us.
Will you be angry with us forever?
Will you prolong your anger through all generations?
Will you not revive us again,
that your people may rejoice in you?
                                                              --Psalm 85:1-6

Preparing for revival was Bro Mike's topic this morning. 

63 days from now (January 8) the LifeAction group will arrive to lead and direct us as we look to God for a revival of our church.

63 days to prepare....a few notes from this morning's message...

1. The vocabulary of revival.

"Revive" is a biblical word. In the Hebrew it means "to live again."

Some churches speak more openly about revival. But for some people the word has a negative connotation. It has become almost synonymous with a negative caricature of Christians active in their churches.

The first verses (first paragraph) of Psalm 85 are historical. The Psalmist is remembering what God has done in the past for His people.

The last verses show us how we should ask for revival again, to bring us back to where we used to restore and revive.

2. The Need for Revival

Might God have given us revival 3 months ago? 2 years ago? a generation ago? How many times do we ask God for revival? Do we have to keep doing it again?

If God really moved 2 years ago, why are His people no longer  at that point of revival and restoration?

God's people drift...the flaming spark grows dim....we need to be renewed..."to live again"...

It's just the way it is here on this earth. It will be different later.

3. The Recipients of Revival

2 groups of people in the world: (1) Those who belong to God and His family
and (2) those who don't.

Group (1)  needs the revival. Group (2) needs evangelizing.

God needs His people to repent before He can evangelize and change society.

1 Chronicles 7:14 says "If my people, who are called by my name, will  humble themselves and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

Repentance comes first from His people. And then the forgiveness and the healing of our land.

4. The Picture of Revival.

This week was specially designated by God and worked into His calendar for us. Bro Mike was calling LifeAction about a week next year, and this particular week presented itself. It was not a accident. God has a special purpose in the week of January 8-15, 2012, for this church.

The outlook of our society seems dismal right now. God wants us,  during this hard time, to look to Him, to learn to trust Him....

        Will you not restore us again so  that your people may rejoice in you?

There is some particular significance of this week that is on God's calendar for us.

Bro Mike urges us to look at our calendars and mark in the dates of Jan 8-15 as set aside to experience a revival in our church. Set aside for God to do a work in us.
He referred to the series in our evening Reflections (The Red Sea Rules) and reminded us of Rule #2: Be more concerned for God's glory than for your own benefit.
Our own relief seems to be our default position. We usually pray, "Lord, I want you to fix this..." but true revival comes when we can look to Him and rejoice in Him and His will and glory.

5. The Question of Revival.

Bro Mike asked us to memorize the last verse: Will you not revive us again that your people may rejoice in you?  Let's join together in praying this. We are asking God to again revive us so that we may rejoice in Him and His glory.

6. The Preparation for Revival.

That's the question for each of us: "Whatever God is speaking to you about right now." Consider it. What does God want you to learn? To do? To experience? What does He want to show you?

We didn't choose this time for the revival. God chose it for us. We need to look for His Hand -- seek His face.

        Will you not revive us again that your people may rejoice in you?
                                                 --Psalm 85:6


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