Monday, March 5, 2012

The Stars at Night...

We've had such a cosmic spectacle the past few evenings -- and with the clear skies we can witness so much of  God's amazing handiwork.

Right now Mars is the closest to earth in some months.
Friday evening I could even clearly see its red hue. I am told this event is an opposition - once every 26 months when the orbits of earth and Mars align so that the 2 planets form a relatively straight line with the sun.

We can also see Mercury (the lowest) and Jupiter and Venus - 4 clearly visible planets before our eyes in  the velvety night-time sky.

Early this morning I saw the Big Dipper brighter than I have in a long time. And the sky was that color we call midnight blue -- glowing dark and soft.

Jupiter and Venus are moving closer to each other and should be their closest on March 13 -- I don't know any of this myself - I am just repeating what I have read. Maybe someone can give us more information (and more accurate). If so, just send it to me and I will get it out!

I read this (and it applies to our location)....

Look directly west at 7 PM and view Mercury low in the sky 8 degrees above  the horizon. Shining directly above Mercury will be Venus, which is always a pleasure to view. Just above Venus will be bright Jupiter 45 degrees above the western horizon.

On March 13 Jupiter and Venus will be only 3 degrees apart. That will be quite a show.

Watching the planets daily shift their position with respect to each other, and with respect to the background stars, will show you why the ancient Greeks called them "planets" -- which means "wanderer" in Greek.

After you have enjoyed Venus and Jupiter, direct your attention toward the east to catch the view of the red planet 8 degrees above the eastern horizon.

As the evening matures, Mercury will set, but Mars will become higher and more evident.

If you keep watch, after 10 PM, you will be rewarded with Saturn low on the eastern horizon, slightly below and to the left (north) of nearby Spica in Virgo the Virgin.

[Note from Glorya --  I also read this somewhere else: The brightest star in Virgo is Spica. In Hebrew it is Zerah, the Seed. In Egyptian it is Aspolia, the Seed.  Virgo herself is a woman with a branch in her right hand and an ear of corn in her left. In Hebrew she is called Bethulah, a virgin.

The seed of the woman.....

Is it possible that in ancient times God did use the knowlege of the constellations to educate mankind regarding His story? Then after Babel the godly knowledge of the cosmos was deliberately altered by Satan into demonic forms as earth's inhabitants moved away from their original homeland? Like so many of God's actions that Satan altered to suit his own evil purposes -- like animal sacrifice to human sacrifice -- ?]

O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder consider all the worlds thy hand hath made....I see the stars...I hear the rolling thunder...thy power throughout the universe displayed....then sings my soul....How Great Thou Art!

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