Friday, June 30, 2017

Nobody wanted her! - Sally Lloyd-Jones

And Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah....(Genesis 29:30)

"No one loves me," Leah said. "I'm too ugly."

But God didn't think she was ugly. And when He saw that Leah was not loved and that no one wanted her, God chose her  -- specially, to give her a very important job.

One day, God was going to rescue the whole world -- through Leah's family.

Now when Leah knew that God loved her, in her heart, suddenly it didn't matter anymore whether her husband loved her the best, or if she was the prettiest.

Someone had chosen her, Someone did love her -- with a Never-Stopping, Never-Giving-Up, Unbreaking,
Always and Forever Love.

So when  Leah had a baby boy she called him Judah, which means, "This time I will praise the Lord!"

And that's just what she did.

And you'll never guess what job God gave Leah.

You see, when God looked at Leah He saw a princess.

And sure enough, that's what she became.

One of Leah's children's children's children would be a prince -- the Prince of Heaven -- God's Son.

This Prince would love God's people.

They wouldn't have to be beautiful for Him to love them.

He would love them with all of His heart.

And they would be beautiful because He loved them.

Like Leah.

         -- From The Jesus Storybook Bible
                  by Sally Lloyd-Jones

[Read the whole story of Jacob, Leah and Rachel, and their twelve sons in the Old Testament, book of Genesis, chapters 29 and 30. And read the genealogy of Jesus Christ, a descendant of Jacob and Leah, and King David,  in the New Testament, book of Matthew, Chapter 1.]

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