Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Who Knows God's Will? - Henry Blackaby

The Holy Spirit will never misunderstand the Father's will for your life. The Father has a purpose to work out through your life, and He places His Spirit in you so you don't miss it.

The Spirit's job is to guide you according to the Father's will. Then He enables you to do God's will. You are completely dependent on God for the knowledge and ability to accomplish His purposes.

That is why your relationship with Him is crucial. That is why you need to wait until you have heard a word from Him about His purposes and ways.

Jesus is your example of One who never failed to know and do His Father's will. Everything the Father purposed to do through His life, the Lord Jesus did immediately.

What was the key to His success? He was always rightly related to the Father! If you walk in a consistent relationship with God's provision--the provision of His Son, His Holy Spirit and His presence in your life--then you should never come to a time when you do not know the Father's will. Nor should there be a time when you are not enabled to carry out His will.

In Jesus we have the picture of a solitary life in a love relationship with God, consistently living out that relationship. He is the perfect example.

You and I quickly realize we are a long way from that. True! But the Christ who lived His life in complete obedience is fully present in you to enable you to know and to do His will.

We need to adjust our lives to God and consistently live out that relationship with absolute dependence on Him. He will never fail to lead your life into the middle of His purpose and enable you to do it.

         --From Experiencing God,
       by Henry and Richard Blackaby and Claude King

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