Monday, August 22, 2022

As He Came Down

                                  As He Came Down

Reading Philippians 2:6-11 this morning and praising God that He loved us so much that He came down in Person to save us. Didn't send an angel - He came Himself!

Scholars tell us that this passage was actually a hymn sung in the early churches, or, if not sung, then chanted together. I like to think of it as a song and wish some musician today would put a melody to it and allow us to sing it, too!  "Way too cool!" as one of my friends says.

Here are the first lines of the passage:

     Have the same mindset as Christ Jesus....Who being in the very       nature of God, did not consider equality with God something to
     be used to His own advantage, rather made Himself nothing by       taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human                 likeness.....

(Paul wrote this, and he wasn't with Jesus on that last night, when
He washed the feet of His disciples - certainly the epitome of 
'servanthood' - but I am certain he had heard about it!)

It brings to my mind an old poem written 400 years ago by George
    The God of power, as He did ride in His majestic glory,
     resolved to come to us, and so one day  
     He  did descend, undressing all the way!
What a picture! What love!

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