Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Our Own Road to Emmaus

On that first Easter morning....

Now behold, two of them were traveling that same day to a village called Emmaus, which was seven miles from Jerusalem.
Luke 24:13

The two were hopeless and heartbroken. Their dreams were shattered and lost forever. The  One they hoped was the Messiah had been killed, brutally crucified,  and the only future ahead of them was a long, dark, empty tunnel.

As they walked a Stranger approached them and spoke with them.
You know the story - it was Jesus, who appeared to renew their hope and vanquish their fears.

What did He do? Speak a bunch of cliches? Tell them everything was going to be okay....just hang in's always too soon to give up, etc.

No, He explained the Old Testament Scriptures to them. How it proved the Messiah would come, suffer and die and rise again. 

He corrected their misunderstanding. 

What happened? Their discouragement faded away, and surging joy came into their hearts, as they realized the truth God had spoken in His Word.  As they understood what He had said in the Scriptures.

"Their hearts burned within them," we are told.

Re-read the whole story again in Luke 24:13-27. Re-read it and imagine their joy as they began to really understand God's message.

And recognize that it is our story, too. We are walking that Emmaus Road with Him right now and every day. What joy comes when we read and study His Word! And we realize the entire story is all about Him, from Genesis to Revelation. And our hearts "burn within" us, too!

His Word always revives our hearts!

Have an Emmaus Road experience today as you read and meditate   on the truths of His Word.

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