Saturday, December 5, 2009

Following Him

I woke up this morning with "Footsteps of Jesus" on my mind and I have been singing it all morning. There was a freeze last night, and "frost is on the pumpkin" (literally, I left one out -- one Jessie gave me -- {Jessie and Jimmy are our friends from China -- they had heard about pumpkin pie and were thinking about serving some in their restaurant, but wanted to exactly what to do with the pumpkin -- I gently told her we just got our pumpkin from cans}) -- and the sky is blue and the frosting on the grass is glittering and shiny --

But all that is "by the way"....I really love the words to the song.
Here are my favorite lines: "Then at last, when on high He sees us, our journey done, we will rest where the steps of Jesus end at His throne."

I sometimes think of the "sees us" as "greets us" He sees us coming, greets us, as we approach His throne...and there our footsteps end...

That will be the day, really, when we can say,
"Today is the first day of the rest of my life"!

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