Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My Funeral

Some years ago Art and I both made our funeral arrangements -- what they call "pre need" -- and they are paid for--"pre-paid pre-need."

Art actually has two paid for: one for a cremation and the other for a casket burial. Here's the deal about that: I don't approve of cremation, so if he goes first, I will bury him in casket in a grave. If I go first, people can follow his wishes for cremation, or do anything they want!

I originally wanted all the traditional service arrangements -- embalming, viewing, etc.

And I wanted the song, "What a Wonderful World," to be sung by a soloist.

I don't really like that song anymore. The first few verses are about God's beautiful nature and that part is great. But then he starts talking about people -- seeing friends shaking hands and saying 'How do you do?' -- they're really saying 'I love you!'

No, that's not what is happening a lot of times. Often people are saying, "Hurry and get out of my way," or "I don't really care how you are doing, I just want to appear polite and interested, which I am not, either of those, in fact."

And sometimes the people we are saying hello to are selling drugs to kids, or serial killers!

Some time ago I became cynical, I guess. I don't remember when it happened. Life has become like a 'pop-up' book and all the pop ups are unkind and evil. (Not always)

So I feel differently now. I just want a graveside service. Closed casket. Nothing more.

I want the officiant to read some scripture -- not about grass withering in the field -- but about the certainty of God's love.

And then I would like everyone to hold hands and repeat together the Apostles Creed:

I believe in God the Father Almighty,
Maker of heaven and earth.

And in Jesus Christ, His Only Son, our Lord,
Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary,

Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried;

He descended into hell. The third day He arose again from the dead.
He ascended into heaven and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty, from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,
The holy Christian church,
The communion of the saints,
The forgiveness of sin, the resurrection of the body
And the life everlasting.


The part about Jesus descending into hell bothers us sometimes. Some people say it was translated incorrectly when the Creed was translated into English -- that it should be "Hades," and that is what Bro. Mike was talking about a few weeks ago.

I heard Tony Evans today talking about Christ having the "keys to death and Hades" as recorded in Revelation 1:18. I've been thinking about that. In the Old Testament, in Job and other places, we see Satan running "to and fro" over the earth and even before God's heavenly Kingdom! And accusing Joshua the High Priest in Zechariah.

Then later in Revelation we read about an angel who has the key to the Abyss and the angel locks up Satan for 1000 years in that Abyss and then lets him out again for the last battle.

I don't know if that is to be taken literally or not. But it does lead us to speculate that when Jesus died He did descend into Hades and took the keys from Satan, because, Christ, at the cross, defeated Satan and death, and proclaimed victory!

But if you want to leave out the line about Christ descending into hell, it's OK with me.

It's an old creed -- some of the lines date back to 100 A.D. And it defines very clearly what I believe, and so that defines were clearly who I am (or was.)

I don't think there is anything else that needs to said at my graveside service.
Maybe a bagpiper playing Amazing Grace would be nice. But not necessary.

After all, I won't be there! And being safely with our God sure beats the alternative!

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