Sunday, November 13, 2011

Opposition in Acts -Sermon Notes for 11/13/11

Introduction: Quoting Psalm 85:6: Will You not revive us again that Your people may rejoice in You?

How many times can we ask God to do something He has already done?
Apparently there is no limit.

Being "revived again" (the Hebrew word for "revived" is "to live again") can be defensive -- keeping us from getting off track or offensive -- allowing us to go forward.

Four reactions to the gospel message:

1. Opposition
2. Indifference
3. Approval
4. Obedience

We began with the first - Opposition

There is a theology of opposition - we need to have a framework to deal with those who oppose the message.

Main text:

Then the high priest and all his associates, who made up the party of the Sadducees, were filled with  indignation, and laid their hands on the apostles and put them in the common prison.    
Acts 5:17-18

Background review: This was a new church. The only church in town.
The apostles had been preaching and healing all manner of diseases.
The hypocrisy of Ananias and Sapphira had led to their instant death.
People around were awed and afraid of what was going on, and yet many believers were coming into the church.

There was a point when Jesus, during His ministry, quit performing miracles. He wanted to concentrate on spiritual teaching.

Jesus Christ Himself is often the dividing factor, the cause of opposition. He is often the reason for the controversy.

Verse 17 mentions the high priest. Maybe he had a close friend or family member who experienced healing by the apostles. The Greek word for "indignation" here is the word for "zealot." It indicates great hostility.

He and his council leaders rose up in great indignation to oppose the apostles' work.

1. When is opposition an indication you are doing right?

Bro Mike encouraged us to be careful when thinking God is on our side and everybody else is wrong. That is a major temptation. [I thought about Survivor this week -- one team prayed and they won the challenge and bragged "God was on our side!"]

How to determine if opposition indicates we are doing right: (1) Who is opposing you and (2) what are they full of.

The first church was built near the temple - for centuries the temple had represented where and how to meet with God. It had been built according to God's exact specifications.

Now God was asking them to move away from the temple. The religious leaders were holding on tightly, but the apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit.

2. When is opposition an indication you are being corrected by God?

Sometimes it is a signal that we are wrong.
Your theology must allow for you to be a true follower of Jesus Christ, yet possibly be in a situation which requires correction.

When Peter came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he was clearly in the wrong. Before certain men came from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles. But when they arrived, he began to draw himself back and separate himself from the Gentiles, because he was afraid of those who belonged to the circumcision group. 
                Galatians 2:11-12
Peter was opposed because he was wrong. He needed correction.

The church began in Jerusalem. 100% Jews. Embraced Christ. They had been taught: you do not eat with Gentiles. They needed a course correction.

Question: Where is your courage to live out what you believe?

3. What or whom have you opposed lately?

Were you opposing from a wrong spirit or were you being used by God for corection?

Therefore: be careful in your interpretation of the opposition you encounter.
Seeing others oppose something doesn't necessarily mean it is wrong. And seeing others embrace something doesn't necessarily mean it is right.

[This was a full sermon. You can hear it on our But the music was especially great today also. And the hand bells performed a patriotic medley. And the Choir anthem was a real highlight. So to get it all, call the church office and ask for a CD -- 245-5518.]

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