Monday, October 14, 2024

What Do You Think About Heaven?


Most of our images of heaven, like most of our songs about heaven, are influenced by popular Victorian and Platonic descriptions, rather than by thoughtful, scriptural, consideration of what God is planning to do.

  Romans 8 tell us, "For the whole creation groans in travail, waiting for the redemption of the sons of God."

   Why? Because He is going to make a new creation! The ultimate purpose of God was not Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden; it was Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, and all His people in a new heaven and a new earth.

   For the cross of Christ was not something that was bought into the picture to fix a problem with God's original plan. The cross was not Plan B - far from it! It was part of the original eternal plan -- that in view of man's inevitable rebellion, God prepared the solution in advance. The crucifixion of Christ and our salvation because of it, was foreordained by God from the very beginning!

Revelation 21 tells us about the coming of the new heaven and new earth. "I am making everything new...God's dwelling place is now among the people, and He will dwell with them...He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death, or mourning, or crying, or pain...I will be their God and they will be my children..."

   And we say, "Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!"

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