This is the 12th Day of Christmas!
One of the traditional prayers for this last day of the Christmas season is this:
"We pray that You would saturate us with Your peace from the inside out. That we would be beacons of light and hope in the world, and that as this season closes, we would recommit ourselves to be the peacemakers, purveyors of hope, love, joy and justice in this world."
This day, January 6, is also called "Twelfth Night," the night before the Feast of the Epiphany -- and it closes the Christmas season by commemorating the arrival of the Wise Men to see Jesus, the King of the Jews, in Bethlehem.
"Epiphany" comes from a Greek word that means "appearance" or "manifestation" and refers to the manifestation of Jesus to the world, witnessed by the Wise Men from the East.
We know the Wise Men did not arrive on the 12th night after our Lord's birth (and we don't even know what day He was born).
Scripture is clear -- Jesus was not a baby, and they were living in a house by the time the Magi arrived. But celebrating it at this time makes the Christmas story complete.
And King Herod's reaction to the Wise Men's claim that they wanted to find the "King of the Jews" reminds us that there is always only room for one King -- and any other so-called called "King" would have to be eliminated!
And so Herod was determined to do that -- because there is only room for one King!
A reminder to us - there is only room for one King in our lives! We must choose which one we will worship and serve and reject the others!
No one can have more than one King!
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