Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Bro Mike concentrated on these verses today (February 13):
They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Everyday they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
It is hard to summarize the main points of this sermon -- at least for me. Bro Mike covered a number of worthy ideas and much of the material was of personal importance to him, or at least weighed heavily upon him. He was letting us see inside his heart at several points.

This posting is my own notes, and what I took away from the sermon, and so they are encased in my own "baggage." So if I am off base at some points, it is due to my own (mis) interpretation of his thoughts.

I was just thinking how hard it must be for a pastor to communicate God's eternal truths to his audience -- several hundred people who have been brought up differently, who are at varying stages in their spiritual and physical growth, whose life experiences are vastly diverse.

I sit next to Patrice and Darlyne and Cheryl. Kelly and Dave are further down on the row. Behind us are Maxine, Etta Jean, and Francine, and Reva and Smitty. Art is up in the balcony working on the audio equipment.

There is probably very little we all have in common, outside of our being part of God's family and our relationship to Jesus Christ.

Inside each one of us is a whole individual package of experiences and memories, of thought processes that are being triggered by the same words but in vastly divergent ways and directions.

So how does a pastor lead all of us to understand the truths he is presenting and into the true worship of God? All of us together?

It has to be the Holy Spirit. It is so obvious, so profoundly simple -- God, through His Holy Spirit, is present inside each of us and somehow also with us as a group, leading and directing.

Maybe sort of like an orchestra: Daren and the musicians are leading and directing as we are tuning up our instruments and preparing for the celestial concert and then Bro Mike comes up to lead the full orchestra (which is all of us), directing our attention to His Word and lifting our worship that rises up through the heavens to please (we fervently desire) our gracious God.

It is all a truly great mystery.

Jesu, joy of man's desiring
Holy wisdom, love most bright
Drawn by Thee, our souls aspiring
Soar to uncreated light.
Word of God, our flesh that fashioned,
With the fire of life impassioned.
Striving still to truth unknown,
Soaring, dying round Thy throne.

Through the way where hope is guiding
Hark, what peaceful music rings;
Where the flock , in Thee confiding,
Drink of joy from deathless springs.
Theirs is beauty's fairest pleasures;
Theirs is wisdom's holiest treasures
Thou dost ever lead Thine own
In the love of joys unknown.

We are His flock, and He leads us to everlasting springs of joy and love.

What a great Shepherd!

All this rambling just illustrates that I am having a hard time outlining my sermon notes from last Sunday..... (Well, I did admit that at the very beginning, didn't I?)

I think I will try again in Part #2.

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