Monday, January 8, 2018

Intelligent Design - SciFi Novelist Dean Koontz

A glimpse into the mind of Preston Maddoc, psychotic killer, in One Door Away From Heaven:

...Five years ago, when he discovered that some quantum physicists and some molecular biologists had begun to believe that the universe offered profuse and even incontrovertible evidence of intelligent design, and that their numbers were slowly growing, his comfortable world view had been shaken, and been too deeply disturbed to allow him to shrug off this information and blithely go on with his killing.

He continued killing, yet, but not blithely. He could not accept any God hypothesis whatsoever because it was too limiting; it resurrected the whole business of right and wrong, of morality, which the enlightened community of utilitarian ethicists had largely succeeded in purging from society.

A world created by a superior intelligence, who had imbued human life with purpose and meaning, was a world in which Preston Maddoc didn't want to exist; it was a world he rejected, for he had always been and forever would be the only maser of his fate, the only judge of his behavior.

Fortunately, in the midst of his intellectual crisis, Preston had come across a most useful quote by Francis Crick, one of the two scientists who won the Nobel prize for the discovery of the double-helix structure of DNA.  In a crisis of his own, Crick had reached a point at which he no longer believed that a sound scientific case could be made for evolution through natural selection.

All life at even a molecular level was so irreducibly complex that it argued for intelligent design, which convinced him that the Earth-- all floral and fauna, the entire ecosystem--had been created, but not by God (who he refused to believe in) but by an alien race of incomprehensibly vast intelligence and powers, a race that might have created this universe itself, and others...Extraterrestrials....

If that theory satisfied Francis Crick, Nobel laureate, it was plenty good enough for Preston Claudius Maddoc.


{Extraterrestrials... ET's...any answer as long as it wasn't God..!and it still doesn't answer the question of 'First Cause" or "Origin" of it all.....only belief in God does that....}

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