Monday, March 14, 2022

It's also about the land

Deuteronomy 11:11-12. But the land you are crossing the Jordan to take possession of is a land of mountains and valleys that drinks rain from heaven. It is a land the LORD your God cares for; the eyes of the LORD your God are continually on it from the beginning of the year to its end.

God especially cares for the land He was giving to His people.

When imaging God's creative hand at work in the "beginning" it is easy to envision His mighty arm stretching out and casting rainbows of color and crystals of gems, scattering them in profusion across the watery landscape of the new earth.

Did He have a blueprint? Or did He just thrust out His arm and randomly scatter the vibrant shades  of mountains and flowers and animals as He determined at that moment? Did He "wing it?" Like an artist or interior designer, did He alter certain bits as He went along?

Did the angels sing and shout for joy at each thrust of His arm? Were they giving Him a standing ovation? Was that the "music of the spheres" and is it still echoing around this great universe?

Was His creation of nature general or specific?

It appears from the Old Testament that it was specific land He was creating to be the center of His Kingdom - and that He Himself is the Gardener - He cares for and watches over it.

Just glancing through the book of Deuteronomy the word land is used about 175 times - In Deuteronomy alone! and always  about how God is giving it to His people as a special gift!

What does tell me? The land matters! God loves this physical planet. He watches the land itself. We must care for it, too...not destroy its ability to renew itself - not exploit its treasures for our own greed. We must care for the land He has given us!

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