Sunday, March 20, 2022

It's All About Easter - Puritan Prayer


O God of my Exodus
Great was the joy of Israel's
   sons, when Egypt died upon the shore
Far greater the joy when the Redeemer's foe lay
   crushed in the dust.

Jesus rides forth as the victor, conqueror of death,
   hell, and all opposing might.

He bursts the bands of death, tramples the powers of
    darkness down, and lives forever.

Adorable Redeemer,
   thou who was lifted up upon a cross
   have ascended into heaven.

Thou, who as a man of sorrows, was crowned with
   thorns art now as Lord if life wreathed with glory.

Once, no shames more deep than thine,
   no agony more bitter, no death more cruel

Now, no exaltation more high, no life more glorious,
    no advocate more effective.
Thou art in the triumph car leading captive thine
    enemies behind thee

What more could be done than thou hast done!
    Thy death is my life, thy resurrection my peace
    thy ascension my hope, thy prayers my comfort

     From The Valley of Vision, a Collection of Puritan Prayers and Devotions

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