Sunday, September 27, 2020

Prayer for Lord's Supper

Lord's Supper will be this Sunday. This Puritan prayer in preparation for the sacrament is from Valley of Vision.

I bless thee for the means of grace;
teach me to see in them thy loving purposes
and the joy and strength of my soul.

Thou hast prepared for me a feast;
and though I am unworthy to sit down as guest,
I wholly rest on the merits of Jesus,
and hide myself beneath his righteousness;
When I hear his tender invitation
and see His wondrous grace,
I cannot hesitate, but must come to thee in love.

By thy Spirit enliven my faith rightly to discern
and spiritually to comprehend the Savior.
While I gaze upon the emblems of my Savior's death,
may I ponder why he died, and hear him say,
'I gave my life to purchase yours,
presented myself an offering to expiate your sin,
shed my blood to blot out your guilt,
opened my side to make you clean
endured your curses to set you free,
bore your condemnation to satisfy divine justice.'

O may I rightly grasp the breadth and length of this design,
draw near, obey, extend the hand, take the bread,
receive the cup, eat and drink,
testify before all men that I do for myself
gladly, in faith, reverence and love, receive my Lord,
to be my life, strength, nourishment, joy, delight.

In the Supper I remember his eternal love, boundless grace,
infinite compassion, agony, cross, redemption,
and receive assurance of pardon, adoption, life, glory.

As the outward elements nourish my body,
so may thy indwelling Spirit invigorate my soul
until that day when I hunger and thirst no more,
and sit with Jesus at his heavenly feast.

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