Monday, October 18, 2021

Why did He choose them?

Reading in Mark, chapter 3, verses 13-15:

Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to Him those He wanted, and they came to Him. He appointed twelve--designating them apostles--that they might be with Him and that He might send them out to preach and to have authority to cast out demons....

I have read this passage many times -- but here is something that now penetrates my thick skull....that they might be with Him....

He selected those twelve because He wanted them to be with Him -- like friends.... 

When someone on Survivor wins a reward challenge, sometimes they can take someone to share the special reward with them. How do they choose? Alliances? Future strategy? A payback? A whim? Sometimes it turns out to be a really bad choice.

But Christ carefully chose those twelve. They are the ones He wanted to be close to.  Even Judas?

I would have probably chosen a few disciples with wealthy family connections  - to help us out when things were tight....or maybe someone well-liked and influential, to assure us that our message would fall on receptive ears - someone popular or a celebrity would certainly be an asset to our group.

Maybe someone who had political alliances, to use their influence should we need someone to intercede for us, should the need come.........but I can't imagine I would have chosen those twelve. Did Christ see something others did not see?

Maybe Christ chose them because He knew what they would become, not what they were at that moment.He could see further than we can.

The scripture says....that they might be with Him....It was more than strategy or political correctness.  He was looking for...could He mean that...friends?

I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you did not choose Me, but I chose you. John 15:15-16

I did not choose Him...He chose me.....for the same reason?

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