Friday, October 8, 2021

Psalm 29 - Part 6 - One more thing

The LORD gives strength to His people;
The LORD blesses His people with peace.
Psalm 29:11

Where are God's people during the storm?
   -- In the temple praising Him

Where are the angels?
   -- In heaven praising Him

Where is God?
   -- Enthroned as always, King of the Universe,
       Sovereign over all, in heaven

The flood of Noah's day was a flood of judgment.
God's people were rescued and safe in the Ark.

Is this psalm reminding us that there is a final storm
of judgment coming?
Is it warning us to get ready, using the thunderstorm as a powerful image?

The only ones who will be ready for judgment are God's people...the ones to whom He gives strength to withstand the storms and on whom He gives His peace...

The ones who have been rescued and found safety
in the hands of Christ.

We see a future judgment in Revelation, Chapter 19.
The scene is described by John:

     Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters, and peals of thunder, shouting:
          For our Lord God Almighty reigns
          Let us rejoice and be glad
          And give Him glory!
     I saw heaven standing open and there before
     me was a white horse, whose rider is called
     Faithful and True. With justice he judges
     and makes war....
     He treads the wine press of the fury of the
     wrath of God Almighty.
     On his robe and on his thigh he has the name
                     King of Kings and Lord of Lords

The only ones who will be ready for judgment are God's people  - the ones to whom He has given His peace.
     Rejoice, the Lord is near...And the peace of God
     which transcends all understanding, will guard
     your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
                -- Philippians 4:5, 7

Another thought from Dr. Boice:
     Do you remember the words of the angels to the shepherds at the mid-night announcement of the birth of Jesus in Luke 2:14?

        Glory to God in the highest, and on earth
        peace to men on whom His favor rests....

     This in the very pattern of Psalm 29, as Franz Delitzsch noted more than a hundred years ago.
It begins with the angels giving praise to God in heaven: Gloria in excelsis.
And it ends with the blessing et in terra pax, that is, "Peace" to those on whom his favor rests.
And God blesses His people with peace

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