Wednesday, February 2, 2022

He Loves Me...He Loves Me Not...

Remember that silly game? What  a trivial way to assess someone's love for another!
And to measure another's love on nothing more substantial than the number of petals on a garden flower...or the random throwing of dice....

Talk about missing the point. Talk about trivializing a truth of great importance....well, that was
me and my friends when we were growing up (back in the dark ages).

I started thinking about a reunion we hosted recently, a re-gathering of the church members of the small inter-denominational church I grew up in -- folks we had known 40 years ago and had not, in most cases, even seen since.

Everyone brought pictures of their families, their homes and pets and awards, all brought out of their
purses or pockets with "bragging rights."

"And this is our granddaughter. She is 16 now. We are so proud of her! She's in the honor society!"
"Here's a picture of my grandson in his baseball uniform. He loves baseball and leads his team in scoring!"
"Oh, here's a picture of my son -- he's a doctor, you know -- and a professor at UT Medical."

On and on. "Bragging rights."

It is easy to notice that each person comments only on the good things about his child or grandchild.
Maybe there is also real concern and maybe heartbreak in the picture, too. Maybe that young girl's
friendships are leading her down a slippery path into drugs. But that story is not told.

Maybe that young boy is often disobedient and disrespectful to his parents. Maybe there was a loud and angry family row just as they were leaving to come to the reunion.

We don't know -- because, of course, deep down every person displaying their photos are exercising their "bragging rights" and they are proud and loving of their children.

They are not remembering their grievances and disappointments. Like a fine painting, their loved ones are being displayed in the best possible light.
Now that I am older I see that much of my life I have labored under the misconception that God is, if not angry, then disappointed in me. That He looks at me, not with pride, but with my faults on His mind.

I see it differently now. God is not filling His mind with petty thoughts about my failures. He is not
keeping a list (we are told in I Corinthians 13 that a loving person does not do that, and God, is, above all, a loving God).

He loves us (me). Really, really loves us (me). He's proud of us (me).

He is gracious, seeing all those evidences of His grace in my life. He truly loves me.

Now I think I understand Job 1:8 when God challenges Satan: "Have you considered my servant Job?"
God was exercising His "bragging rights."

And Zephaniah 3:17:
The LORD your God is with you. He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you.  He will quiet you with His love. He will rejoice over you with singing.
The picture is perfect: a mother quieting her baby with a soft lullaby.  Expressions of delight and love
cover her face. (Even if he has a dirty diaper!)

That's God. He loves us. He really really loves us. He is not filling His mind with our failures. He
delights in us just as He delights in His Son.

Now that I think about it -- what about Hebrews 11 -- that list of faithful God-honoring people that God calls to our attention. They were, none of them, perfect. Many were very far from perfect.

But God is relating their faithfulness and the things He brought out, produced, in their lives. The righteousness of His Son -- shining through their sinful, selfish lives.

                His desire is to lavish His love on us (I John 3:1)
                He is our Father and loves us even as He loves His Son. (John 17:23)
                His plans for our future has always been filled with hope (Jeremiah 29:11)

Have you considered My servant, Job?

              God's bragging rights include me!


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