Sunday, August 8, 2021

In ALL Things?


                                                 In ALL Things? Really?

Good to remember today -- that in ALL things God works for our good - Romans 8:28.

So the God of the universe, the sovereign Creator of everything, plans every circumstance to bring us good.

Even when we mess up, He rearranges things to work out for our good.

There are devastating wildfires ravaging vast areas of our country today. We will see ashes and cinders, destruction and heartbreak everywhere.

Even the harsh acrid smell permeates everything for miles!

But in due time the ground will bring forth new, fresh, vibrant vegetation and new life!

God wastes nothing and redeems everything!

We can sing joyfully with Sarah Groves, "I can't remember a trial or a pain He did not recycle to bring me gain...He's always been faithful to me."

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