Tuesday, March 8, 2022

One Thing I Ask of the LORD


                                                One Thing I Ask of the LORD

Psalm 27 -- "One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD..."

David's supreme priority is to 'gaze upon the beauty of the LORD.'

'Gazing' is not a one-time glimpse, but a steady, sustained focus.

It is not a look or prayer of petition, but a time of praising, adoring, worshipping and enjoying God just for who He is.

David finds God Himself beautiful, not just a bestower of gifts.

'This only do I seek,' says David.

Father, I know there is only one thing I really need in life. And I choose to want You above all else, I want more than just believing in You, joyful as that is. I want to see and sense Your beauty and love You for Yourself alone. I may not even understand that right now, but I know I want David's prayer to be my prayer,  my gracious, kind Father.


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