Tuesday, December 3, 2024

God's Intended Destiny for Us


                                                  God's Intended Destiny for Us

Sometimes sharing the gospel awakens an intense resentment in the one we are talking to.

That's because the gospel reveals our sin and unholiness -- and that's bad news.

But we have to hear the bad news first before we can hear the really good news!

The good news is that He has rescued us from our sin and is eager to forgive and welcome us into His family!

Hearing the gospel can also awaken an intense longing -- yearning -- an intense desire -- to know God and receive His love and forgiveness.

What does He want to do with us?

God has only one intended destiny for mankind: holiness.

His goal is to make us saints. He does not save us out of pity. He saves us because He created us to be holy.

That begins at the cross. 

Christ takes on our sin and by His death pays the debt we owe God for our disobedience.  And by His perfect life of obedience He clothes us in His garments of righteousness.

It's like we come to Him with all our garbage - sin, guilt, hurt, bitterness, hatred, anger, broken dreams and hearts and messed up relationships. We put them in a really big garbage bag and take it to the Cross. He takes that bag and casts it away into eternal forgetfulness,

Then He reaches down and gives us a bottomless Treasure Chest - a chest full of love, forgiveness, joy, peace, eternal life, healing -- every good and perfect gift.

And the most precious gift of all -- His presence with us every moment of every day - forever!

And He begins the process of making us like Him - holy -  and able to fit into His family of saints.

What a great exchange! How could anyone resist such an offer?

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