Tuesday, November 9, 2021

They're All Around Us

We went with a friend today to TDECU to help her with some estate planning. A delightful woman named Leah assisted us. She led us over some hurdles in dealing with one of our friend's investment companies and we were so happy with the advice she gave.

Our friend stepped out to take a "cigarette" break and I asked Leah if she had ever smoked. She replied "Yes, indeed, I used to smoke, probably more than anyone you have ever met. And I drank vodka, large mugs, several times a day."

She elaborated. When she smoked she couldn't even take a shower without stopping in the middle for a cigarette break! (Yes, that is probably more than anyone else we know!). And she just couldn't stop drinking. What changed? Was it hard to stop?

Her answer, "Jesus!"

Here is her story: When she had been married about 6 years, and had 3 small children, she found out her husband was a cocaine addict and they lost everything they owned. She took the kids and left, without a place to stay, and she suddenly became a mother living on the streets. For a week she and the kids lived in her car. Each morning she took them to Bucc-ees to wash up for school and she for work. No one at work knew what was going on. At that time she was working at TDECU at one of the "answering call" desks.

She was desperate and didn't know where to turn. How long could she keep the kids with her if they were staying in the car? She was frantic.

One day a retired minister called in with questions about his account. She helped him, and at the end of the call he graciously thanked her for her help and asked, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

Without thinking, she blurted out, "Yes, PRAY for me!" Then she told him the story...He asked her a question which surprised her. The question was "Have you ever asked Jesus Christ to take over your life? Have you put your trust in Him?"

No one had ever asked her that question.
He led her to accept the message of Christ's salvation there on the phone. She says, "Right there. In the middle of the room, with 40 people around me, I accepted Christ!"

He helped her take care of her immediate physical needs for herself and her children. Since then, she has moved back home with her mother. Her children are now 6, 7, and 13. They are doing well, and they love their grandmother. Leah studies the Bible daily. Her sister has become a Christian and her mother is now attending church. She is still in contact with that pastor, who lives in Angleton.

The chains of smoking and drinking? She says, "I didn't even realize I had quit. One day it just occurred to me that I hadn't had a cigarette or a drink in several weeks! I have not missed either one. I have never looked back."

Leah has a sparkling smile and eagerness to share the message of Christ. We prayed with her -- yes, right there, in her office at TDECU, where, after several promotions, she now handles investment questions.

What a blessing it was to talk with her -- to hear her testimony -- to see the photos of her with her children and her mother at happy events -- and we thanked God for changing her life.

She is now so wealthy! She has everything!

I just have one question....Why hadn't anyone ever asked her before about turning her life over to God? People like Leah are all around us.....

For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope--the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for Himself a people that are His very own, eager to do what is good. These then are the things you should teach, encourage and rebuke with all authority. Titus 2:12-15

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