Friday, November 13, 2020

About Holiness - Problem 2 - Jerry Bridges

Problem 1 - Our attitude toward sin is more self-centered than God-centered  (see below).

Problem 2 - We have misunderstood "living by faith" (Galatians 2:20) to mean that no effort at holiness is required on our part.  In fact, sometimes we have even suggested that any effort on our part is "of the flesh."

The words of J. C. Ryle, Bishop of Liverpool from 1880 to 1900, are instructive to us on this point:

Is it wise to proclaim in so bold, naked, and unqualified a way as many do, that the holiness of converted people is by faith only and not at all by personal exertion? ...That faith in Christ is the root of all well-instructed Christian will ever  think of denying. But surely the Scriptures teach that in following holiness the true Christian needs personal exertion and work as well as faith.

       {from Holiness, by J. C. Ryle}

We must face the fact that we have a personal responsibility for our walk of holiness.

One Sunday our pastor in his sermon said words to this effect: "You can put away that habit that has mastered you if you truly desire to do so."

Because he was referring to a particular habit which was no problem to me, I quickly agreed with him in my mind.

Then the Holy Spirit said to me, "And you can put away those sinful habits that plague you if you will take personal responsibility for them."

Acknowledging that I did have this responsibility turned out to be a milestone for me in my own pursuit of holiness.

     -- From The Pursuit of Holiness, Chapter One, by Jerry Bridges

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