Saturday, November 21, 2020

Such a Crazy Story

 From Dr. James Dobson....

       "The King of the Universe  the Creator of all heaven and earth - who has no needs and no short-comings, cares about what we think and feel. That is almost incomprehensible."

Yes, it is almost - no, really totally - incomprehensible!

I remember years ago, when in high school and college anthropology and evolution classes the professors trying to explain the origin of the various religions throughout the world. It was because, as they told it, primitive man had to make up something to explain their world - so they sat around campfires, pondering the vast night sky,  and talked about the how's and why's and came up with religion - including Christianity.

Occasionally I would politely ask  if they had ever read the Bible...of course, no!

I reflected that the story of man's origin and rescue and redemption and restoration to God's family, as recounted in the Bible, is really a crazy story!  I mean, really, who would dream up a story like that! It's so crazy - it has to be true!

A Creator God, desiring to include His creatures in His love family, would, in grace, love and forgive them, reach out to rescue them, send prophets to bring them back to Him and then  come Himself to save them - I MEAN - THINK ABOUT IT - who would EVER dream that up?

The thought of that helped bind me to faith and  confidence in God's Word through all my educational years....

It's such a crazy story - no one would dream it up - it has to be true!

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