Saturday, November 14, 2020

About Holiness - Problem 3 - Jerry Bridges

Problem 1 - Our attitude toward sin is more self-centered than God-centered (see below)

Problem 2 - We have misunderstood "living by faith" (Galatians 2:20) (see below)

Problem 3 - We do not take some sin seriously....

We have mentally categorized sins into that which is unacceptable and that which may be tolerated a bit....

But the Scripture says it is "the little foxes that ruin the vineyards" (Song of Songs 2:15). It is compromise on the little issues that leads to greater downfalls. And who is to say that a little ignoring of civil law is not a serious sin in the sight of God?

In commenting on some of the more minute Old Testament dietary laws God gave to the children of Israel, Andrew Bonar said:

It is not the importance of the thing, but the majesty of the Lawgiver, that is to be the standard of obedience....Some, indeed, might reckon such minute and arbitrary rules as these as trifling. But the principle involved in obedience or disobedience was none other than the same principle which was tried in Eden at the foot of the forbidden tree. It is really this: Is the Lord to be obeyed in all things whatsoever He commands? Is He a holy Lawgiver? Are His creatures bound to give implicit assent to His will?
Are we willing to call sin "sin" not because it is big or little, but because God's law forbids it? We cannot categorize sin if we are to live a life of holiness. God will not let us get away with that kind of attitude.

       -- From The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges, Chapter One

In Summary:

Jerry Bridges, in The Pursuit of Holiness, describes 3 obstacles in our journey toward holiness:

(1) Our attitude toward sin is more self-centered than God-centered

(2) We have misunderstood the meaning of "living by faith" and

(3) We do not take some sin seriously

He concludes chapter one with these challenges:

(1) Will you begin to look at sin as an offence against a holy God?
(2) Will you begin to take personal responsibility for your sin, realizing that as you do, you must depend on the grace of God?

(3) Will you decide to obey God in all areas of life, however insignificant the issue may be?

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