Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Chesterton, Orthodoxy - - Memory

From Orthodoxy, by G. K. Chesterton, Chapter 4 ~~~~

     We have all read in scientific books, and indeed in romances, the story of the man who has forgotten his name.

     This man walks about the streets and can see and appreciate everything, only he cannot remember who he is.

     Well, every man is that man in the story. Every man has forgotten who he is.

      Man can understand the cosmos, but never the ego; the self is more distant than any star. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God, but thou shalt not know thyself.

     We are all under the same mental calamity; we have all forgotten our names. We have all forgotten who we really are.

     All that we call common sense and rationality and practicality and positivism only means that for certain dead levels of our life, we forget that we have forgotten.

     All that we call spirit and art and ecstasy only means that for one awful moment we remember that we forgot.


I get re-reading those last two paragraphs....is there a more perfect description of our life in the 21st century?

C. S. Lewis wrote a lot about this same topic (It was Chesterton's writing that was so instrumental in bringing him to Christ -- actually sometimes it seems to me that they traveled on very similar roads in their spiritual journey -- ). Lewis often referred to that "yearning" and "longing" we all feel that something is missing -- that we are not really at home in the world, because, Lewis, recalls, we were not created or intended for this world! Blaise Pascal calls that emptiness inside a "God-shaped vacuum" that only He can fill. St. Augustine talked about our emptiness and restlessness that only ceases when we find our rest in Him.

At another time Chesterton wrote: We are homesick, even when we are at home.

It happens to us spontaneously...the cry of a bird, egrets circling in the sunlight, a great poem, a fine piece of porcelain, Bach's music, a rainbow, kittens tumbling in the garden, Puccini arias, sunset in the Texas sky  -- all kinds of experiences that awaken within our hearts that intense desire for more (we know deep down that this is not all there is!) -- for an encore -- and even then knowing it is just a glimpse of what we are missing...and what is yet to come!  An intense yearning to have everything put back to its proper place...

Even so come quickly, Lord Jesus!

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