Monday, May 9, 2022

Modern Weapons


                                            Modern Weapons

"Let your conversation always be full of grace" (Colossians 4:6).

Always...full of grace...

I find this admonition hard (and it is a commandment to us, not a suggestion for people who just want to win friends and be popular).

Words have become weapons these days; they wound and scar, permanently disabling people.

We who love Jesus should stand apart from the world, with its mean-spirited comments on social media. (Most times I think it should be called 'hurtful media', not 'social media'. 'Social' sounds too friendly!)

According to Matthew 12, every word -- even offhanded careless ones -- are indicators of what is really in our hearts.

I need to deal with that!

"Lord, save me from the sins of my tongue and the serious flaws of character that produce them. Make my words honest (by taking away my fear), few (by taking away my self-importance), wise (by taking away my thoughtlessness), and kind (by taking away my indifference and selfish irritability and motives).

Help me speak words full of your grace...always... Words that edify, not tear down. Amen."

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