Saturday, May 14, 2022

What do I Need to Get Through This Day?

For to You, O Lord, I lift up my soul. 
For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, 
 abundant in mercy to all those who call upon You.
Psalm 86:4-5

Father,  what more do I need to get through this day! NOTHING!

Just knowing You are good, forgiving and merciful gives me the power to move forward with confidence and joy.

Nothing can separate me from Your love. 
I am one of those who call upon You.

I have so many regrets for my sins, but You constantly remind me of Your forgiveness.

Fill me with Your mercy now so that it will overflow from me into the lives of the other people I encounter today.

Help me to be to them as You have been to me.

In Christ's name I pray.


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