Wednesday, February 26, 2020

God's Blotter - Jerry Bridges

I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.   Isaiah 43:25

Here God uses two absolute terms to assure us of the complete removal of our sins: blots out and remembers no more.

To blot out something is to remove it from the record. He has done more than wipe the slate clean--
He has thrown away the slate!

There is no chance the offense will ever arise to haunt us in the future.

Not only has God blotted out our sins. He further says He remembers them no more.

Someone has helpfully pointed out the difference between forgetting and not remembering.

Forgetting is something we do because of our fallible minds.

We forget to pick up something at the store, or we forget where we laid our car keys. Obviously, God does not forget as we do.

On the other hand, to not remember is to choose not to bring something to one's mind over and over again.

And God has promised never to remember our sins, never to bring them to his mind again.

Think of some of your more recent sins--sins of which you are now ashamed. It may have been an unkind word, a resentful attitude, or a lustful thought.

Whatever it might be, God says He has put it out of His mind. He remembers it no more.

What an overwhelming thought! What joy this should bring to our hearts!

     -- From The Gospel for Real Life by Jerry Bridges

There is no room for guilt in the Christian life!

Why should we dwell on our past sins?

And why should we dwell on the sins of others?

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God has forgiven you. Ephesians 4:32


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