Friday, February 21, 2020

Looking Back at Genesis - Back to the Garden

Let's Go Back To Where We Started.....

Sometimes it seems we have lost everything - authentic marriage and family life, our schools, our cities, our future, even our churches are often a disappointment.

The society - science and technology, the law and politics, business and the arts - all are conspiring to promote their godless, self-asserting agenda and send us into a downward spiral.

This seems one of those times to me - like all is lost, 
or on the verge of collapse.

We have a deep and persistent longing to return to paradise - to live in a society like God intended, where family love nurtures the children, where politics and government seek to serve the people, 
where the poor and powerless are lifted up.

"Happiness is not only our hope," wrote G. K. Chesterton, "but also in some strange manner it is 
our memory; we are all kings in exile."

Joni Mitchell once sang:

     We are stardust

     We are golden
     And we've got to get ourselves
     Back to the garden.

But how do we get back to the garden?

The answer is not within us, or we would have already gone back to the garden.

The problem is obvious. We live for ourselves and our own glory, rather than to love God and seek His glory.

"Salvation belong to the LORD," we are told in Scripture.

We need God to come and save us. And so He did.

And as He saves us He is bringing us back to the garden, into intimate fellowship with Him.

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