Saturday, May 18, 2024

He Knows Us By Name

 In the Old Testament we find many examples of God's grace and patience.

Reading Exodus 32 and 33 this morning. Moses is up on the mountain talking with God. The Hebrews, recently freed from slavery in Egypt, are waiting for him. They get impatient and decided to just stop waiting for him and talk Aaron into making a god for them, a golden calf, reminding them of the false religions they had in Egypt.

(Making your own god is never a good idea! I know from experience. You probably do, too!)

"You know how prone these people are to evil," Aaron reminds Moses.

God tells Moses He will reject the people for their sin.

But Moses intercedes and reminds God that they were chosen to be His special treasure, a people through whom all the world will be blessed. And that God had told Moses, 'I know you by name and you have found favor with Me.' "If You are pleased with me teach me Your ways so I may know You and continue to find favor with You. Remember this nation is Your people."

God listens to Moses and agrees to forgive and accompany them to the Promised Land. Moses had said, "I don't want to go with them unless You go with us."

Then, "The LORD replied, 'My presence will go with you and I will give you rest.'"

What a sacred moment. God tells him 'I will be with you. I know you. I am pleased with you. I know you by name. Just take a deep breath and relax. I will not leave you.'

We know from the New Testament that He knows us by name, too. He is our Good Shepherd. And we recognize His voice and follow Him and He will always be with us. Always.

Just relax. Take a deep breath. He's with us.

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