Sunday, May 26, 2024

What Are We Praying For?

 Elijah was weary and frightened. He had faithfully obeyed God and challenged the evil pagan world around him. He was exhausted. And now Queen Jezebel was going to kill him. He ran for his life into the wilderness, sat down under a bush, and prayed that he might die. "I have had enough, LORD", he prayed. "Take my life." (1 Kings 19)

But God didn't answer his prayer. God had another plan, and important work left for Elijah. Sometimes God does not give us precisely what we pray for. But He will many times give us something better -- something we would much rather have!

When God did choose to bring Elijah home it would not be in the wilderness, alone, under an ordinary desert bush. It would be in a miraculous chariot of heavenly fire with horses of fire, appearing from God's own domain, harnessed by a whirlwind -- in front of many witnesses! Certainly a more exciting way to go! That was God's plan.

Someone has said, "If God doesn't pay in silver, He will in gold. If not in gold, He will in diamonds."

When God doesn't give us exactly what we ask for, when we ask for it, be prepared for something much more exciting! Something we would rather have anyway! 

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