Tuesday, May 28, 2024

The Thief's Last Choice

Think about the thief on the cross who mocked Christ. Then think about the one who repented. We don't know much about him. He obviously made some bad choices, wrong friends, wrong behavior, listened to the wrong crowd. But was his life a waste? Is he spending eternity suffering for all his bad choices?

Words from Max Lucado....

"No, just the opposite. He is enjoying the fruit of the one good choice he did make. In the end, all his bad choices were redeemed by a solitary good one.

You've made some bad choices in life, haven't you? You look back over your life and say, 'If only...if only I could make up for those bad choices...' 

You can.  One good choice for eternity offsets a thousand bad ones on earth.

The choice is yours.

How can two men see the same Jesus and one choose to mock Him and the other chooses to pray to Him?

I don't know, But they did. And when one prayed Jesus loved him enough to save him. And when the other mocked, Jesus loved him enough to let him. He allowed him the choice.

He does the same for you."

[Sometimes life seems unfair. We are too short, too fat, handicapped in some way, too poor to buy the popular clothes, born into a dysfunctional family...but the same scales of life were forever tipped on the side of fairness when God panted a tree in the Garden of Eden.

All complaints were silenced when Adam and his descendants were given free will, the freedom to make our eternal choice. Whatever injustice might appear in this life, it is offset by our ability to choose our destiny in the next. You wouldn't want it the other way around would you? I mean, if you could pick your hair color, your size, your family, and not get to pick your eternal destiny, wouldn't that be terrible? I like the way God did it!]

From "He Chose the Nails," by Max Lucado.


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