Tuesday, June 11, 2024

In face of radical evil we must be radically good!

 I'm still thinking about Jonathan Cahn's words about how we should live for Christ in these evil times:

  "An apostate civilization will depart from the Word. The righteous must do the opposite and hold to the Word all the more strongly.

  An apostate culture bends the Word or the truth to conform to its ways. The righteous must bend their ways to conform to the Word."

In modern America there is a war against God's Word being waged now by attempting to marginalize it, re- and mis- interpreting it, belittling and denigrating it, ignoring it, ridiculing its historical and authentic accuracy, and in general denying its importance. 

The farther a culture departs from God, the more it undermines and suppresses His Word. But also the more the culture ignores God's Word, the more it needs the unadulterated Word of God for its very survival!

So, as Cahn says, we must read it, treasure it, store it in our hearts, share it, proclaim it, act upon it, live by it and make our lives conform to it! We must never dilute it or soften it.

We must treat the Word of God as the  true bread of our lives, partake of it every day. We must remember that before the world was created, the Word was already here and will be when the world is gone. The Word is more powerful than the world. It is the voice of our Almighty God and we are accountable to Him for our obedience to it!

The world tries to bend the Word to conform to the way they want to live. We must change our lives to conform to the Word.

Yes, the more radically evil the world becomes, the more radically good we must become.

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