Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Wisest Decision

What was the message the LORD gave His prophet Zechariah to announce to His people?  

The LORD told him: "You must say to them, 'Thus says the LORD of Hosts: Return to Me, declares the LORD of Hosts, and I will return to you'" (Zechariah 1:2-3).

There is an astonishing truth here. God's people, after pledging themselves to follow Him, to honor and glorify Him, to love Him above all else, rejected and scorned Him!

But instead of punishing them and destroying them, He graciously offers to restore them to a loving relationship with Him -- forgiving forever their sin!

It's an incredible and gracious offer!

In verse 6 we see that the people accepted this offer -- a very wise decision.

Our God is the same today...AND THE OFFER STILL STANDS!

Focus on 1 John 1:9 -- "If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

That brings us back into a full relationship with Him....no walls between us, no barriers to keep us away. Forgiven of ALL unrighteousness!

Have you accepted the offer?

It would be a very wise decision...it's for forever...

You can begin right now!

As they used to say, "Today is the first day of the rest of your life."

And it can be the first day of your forever life...

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