Saturday, July 6, 2024

What's on Your Schedule Today?

We are in the life-saving business. We rescue people and bring them to Jesus. 

What about this woman?

She was 70 years old when she came to Jesus. She lived in a small village in Africa. She was blind and uneducated, but wanted to do something to help other people come to Jesus.

She took her French Bible to her local missionary and asked him to underline John 3:16 in red. He did.

Then she took her Bible and a chair and sat each day in front of a boys' school.

When dismissal time came and the boys began leaving, she called out: "Please come here. Do you read French?"

As they approached she asked them, "Please read to me this passage underlined in red."

Then she would ask if they knew what it meant. She explained the verse and told them about Jesus and what He had done for them.

Due to the boldness and obedience of this aged blind woman at least 24 of those young men became pastors!

What's on your schedule today?

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