Thursday, October 17, 2024

Reshaping the Pot

 "The pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hand; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him"(Jeremiah 18:4).

God sent Jeremiah to watch the potter reshape a marred pot, carefully handling the material and reforming it "as seemed best to him" into a new, better pot!

The prophet reminds us that God is the skillful potter and we are the clay.

He is sovereign and can use what He creates to both destroy and create beauty in us. He, the Master Potter, can, and is wiling to create new and precious pottery from our shattered pieces. He doesn't look at our scarred broken lives and discard them as waste!

He picks up our pieces and lovingly reshapes them as He sees fit.

Even in our scarred brokenness we have value to our Master Potter.

In His hands the broken pieces of our lives can be reshaped into beautiful vessels to be used by Him for Hs glory!

                         Something beautiful, something good

                             All my confusion He understood

                    All I had to offer Him was brokenness and strife

                       But He made something beautiful of my life

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