Saturday, October 6, 2018

The Beauty of His Holiness - Sarah Young

Worship Me in the beauty of holiness.

I created beauty to declare the existence of My holy Being.

A magnificent rose, a hauntingly glorious sunset, oceanic splendor -- all these things were meant to proclaim My Presence in the world.

Most people rush past these proclamations without giving them a second thought.

Some people use beauty, especially feminine loveliness, to sell their products.

How precious are My children who are awed by nature's beauty; this opens them up to My holy Presence.

Even before you knew Me personally, you responded to My creation with wonder.

This is a gift and it carries responsibility with it -- Declare My glorious Being to the world.

The whole earth is full of My radiant beauty-- My glory!

---From Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young

Ascribe to the LORD the glory due His Name;
Worship the LORD in the splendor of His holiness.
Psalm 29:2
Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty;
The whole earth is full of His glory.
Isaiah 6:3

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