Friday, November 19, 2021

Outside and Hungry - St. Augustine

Too late have I loved You, O Beauty, ancient yet ever new.

Too late have I loved You!

And behold, You were within, but I was outside, searching for You there -- plunging, deformed amid those fair forms which You had made.

You were with me, but I was not with You.

You called and shouted, and burst my deafness.

You gleamed and shone upon me, and chased away my blindness.

You breathed fragrant odors on me, and I held back my breath, but now I pant for You.

I tasted and now I hunger and thirst for You.

You touched me, and now I yearn for Your peace.

  -- From The Confessions of St. Augustine, Book X,
     Chapter 27

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness,
for they shall be filled.
(Matthew 5:6)

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