Sunday, September 19, 2021

Interesting application of Scripture in US History

Here's an Interesting Application of Scripture....from US History

I'm reading some British records of the months just preceding the beginning of the American revolution.

Late in 1775 Parliament was arguing various approaches to end the revolutionary fever sweeping their 13 colonies over the Atlantic in America.

King George III was determined to take harsh action. Most of Parliament agreed with him, but a few disagreed.

One of those was David Hartley. When a bill came up for discussion -- a bill that would prohibit all trade and communication among the colonies during the "course of the present rebellion" he realized that the colonies would be even more inflamed and more eager to declare their independence. If the bill passed Britain would lose that valuable part of their Empire. 

And the bill was passed.

His speech to Parliament included these words: "The Opposition was overpowered by numbers," he voiced. "An inflexible majority in Parliament have now declared all America to be an independent hostile State. But Parliament would rue this day," he went on, for the fate of America was clear for all of them to see. "You may bruise its heel, but you cannot crush its head. It will revive again. The New World is before them. Liberty is theirs. They have possession of a free government, their birthright and inheritance.....If you will cast them off, my last wish is to them. 'may they go and prosper!'"

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