Monday, September 6, 2021

And There Was Light!


                                                            And There was Light!

Psalm 97:11-12 -- "Light shines on the righteous and joy on the upright in  heart. Rejoice in the LORD, you who are righteous, and praise His holy name."

Some of the older Hebrew texts say light is "sown" in us. It is planted to grow and produce more light. A beautiful thought.

Light refers to truth and clarity as well as to the holiness and beauty it brings.

C S Lewis said once that he believed in Christianity 'as certainly as I believe in the sunrise. Not just because I can see the sun, but also by it I can see everything else.'

That's what God's light does!  It brings everything else into perfect focus and clarity.

It brings perfect knowledge and displays GOd's infinite truth and glory.

God "sows" His light  in us and like a seed that grows it spreads its wisdom and beauty throughout our lives.

Christians find that what they see in the world and in their hearts just makes more sense!

And people around them see them  turning into something like God - loving and beautiful.

The brighter the light the better we can see all the truth and beauty around  us.

Father, fill me with Your Light!

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