Friday, June 18, 2021

It's Your Decision - what do I do about Jesus? - J M Boice

From James Montgomery Boice - 
    The Gospel of Matthew, Volume 2, pp 634-635

Have you ever been confronted by the power of Jesus' resurrection? Or are you still trying to make your life secure against Jesus?

Perhaps you have heard of Christ's gospel, but you have been trying to keep Jesus politely in His place.

I warn you: Jesus is not that easily contained. You can push Him down, but He will crop up again. You can banish Him from your thoughts, but He will come back when you least expect Him. What are you going to do against the power of the one so many call Lord? How are you going to make yourself secure against Jesus?

Let me suggest what you can do. You can begin with activity. That should not be too difficult in our hectic times. Our world is preoccupied with activity and even rewards those who are busiest. If you are busy enough you will not have time to think about Jesus. Fill up your time. Schedule your idle hours. Then you will not have to go to a Bible study. When Christians invite you to church, you can say you are too busy. Fill your evenings with television so you won't have time to read your Bible.

Here is something else you can do. You can fill your life with sin and sin's pleasures. Jesus is the sinless Son of God. Sin should keep you from Him. Fill your life with evil pleasures of the world. Here are many. Make your life as secure as you can against Jesus.

I have one more suggestion:  Become religious. If you take this path, however, I suggest that you do not learn too much about Christianity. Instead, sink yourself in ceremony. Do things not because they are meaningful -- you might have to think about their meaning -- but for tradition's sake or for mere aesthetics. Make your life as secure as you can with religion. Attach your seals! Set your guards! Erect your barricades!

Alas, it will not be enough.

Jesus has broken seals before. He has scattered countless guards.What will you do with the light bursts forth from heaven and Jesus confronts you in resurrection splendor?

I will tell you what I would do.

I would give up fighting altogether. I would lay down my seals and stones and guards and feverish activity. I would abandon my sins, and I wold fall before Him and confess Him as Thomas did. I would say, My Lord and my God."

Then Jesus will make you His, and He will tell you what you are to be and do for His sake.


[That's what I did - and I've never been sorry!]

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