Friday, November 5, 2021

How Christ Restored Peter


                                              How Christ Restored Peter

What Christ DIDN'T say to Peter...

After His resurrection, when Christ appeared to Peter, He asked him, "Peter, do you love Me?" And Peter answered, "Yes, You know I love You!"

Notice what Jesus didn't say - He didn't say, "Peter, are you going to fail Me again?" "Peter, will I be able to count on you ever again?"

These words of Jesus  -- what He didn't  say -- gives me great comfort....

How about you?

Read the whole conversation in John, chapter 21. 

What a wonderful, forgiving Savior we have!

As the Bible throughout teaches us  -- God forgives us and never holds our sins against us   -  He doesn't "keep a list",  and we are told to not keep a list either in 1 Corinthians 13.

As Christ has been to us, we should be to each other.


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