Monday, June 28, 2021

Why do I get two?

Here dies another day
During which I have had eyes, ears, hands
And the great world around me;
And with tomorrow begins another,
Why am I allowed two?

(From an evening prayer of G. K. Chesterton)

I keep reading these lines over and over again. Why am I given another day? (I rarely hear people asking this question.)   Why have I been allowed two? What a bounty is three! And four is unbelievable largess!

A week of days in which we can see and feel the heart of our Father. A month of days when we can see His handiwork all around us and revel in His power and goodness.

We are given a whole string of days of grace.

Why should He give us more?

What gives us the right to expect (or demand) more days of His grace?

It is not God who is in our debt. We are in debt to Him - everything comes from Him to us --it is always a gift -- gifts of grace.

But He does give us more...and more...and more...

William Wordsworth wrote: My heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky...He goes on to say that it was true when he was a child and hopes it will be the same when he is old.

Or let me die....If he can't have that feeling of joy in the simple gifts of God's nature, then he would rather die...

King David wrote: Praise be to the LORD, for He has heard my cry for mercy, The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to Him in song (Psalm 28:6-7)

My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to Him in song...

Every morning we arise and sing our thanks to God for His "unspeakable gift" - our Lord and Savior-Redeemer -

But there are so many other gifts we receive each day. Small gifts that delight and amaze us. Sights and sounds that make our hearts leap up for joy - Simple gifts  -- random, spontaneous  moments of awe and thanksgiving! (WOW moments!)

God's great world around us - and we have eyes and ears and hands (also gifts from Him) to exult in all of  it!

Here are some from today...simple gifts that made my heart leap up...that let me "catch a gleam of glory bright"...
1. hummingbirds' wings fanning my cheeks
2. rich plowed land waiting for seed promises
3. winding inviting pathway through the woods to everywhere
4. green ivy holding up crumbling stone walls
5. ribbon snakes performing synchronized swimming duets in our pond
6. dollar menu at McDonalds

What are some of yours? Email them to me, if you want...

Take my moments and my days.
 Let them flow in ceaseless praise.
Let them flow in ceaseless praise.

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